Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Vaccination Time - Keep Your Horses Healthy

As the cold weather moves in, it’s time to think about fall vaccines to protect your horses. Below is a list of our recommended vaccinations and a brief summary of the diseases they help to prevent. Please contact us with any questions!
Potomac Horse Fever
Potomac Horse Fever (PHF) is caused by a bacterial organism (Neorickettsia risticii). This bacteria lives inside a fluke which resides within aquatic insects during the immature stages and within snails during the adult stages. The primary mode of infection in horses is likely by accidental ingestion of infected  insects or snails that contaminate grass, hay or feed. PHF most commonly causes acute-onset fever, colic, anorexia, diarrhea, and/or  laminitis. Horses that are vaccinated for Potomac Horse Fever may still show signs, but are usually less severely affected and have a better response to treatment, resulting in more favorable prognosis for survival. Treatment for PHF is with an intravenous antibiotic (oxytetracycline) and is usually most successful when started early in the course of infection. 
Equine herpesvirus (also known as rhino, EHV or rhinopneumonitis) is caused by a virus (equine herpesvirus-1 or equine herpesvirus-4). Signs of respiratory infection vary based on type and strain of virus, but may include fever, lethargy, anorexia, nasal discharge and cough.  Vaccination is indicated to reduce severity of illness and help prevent the spread of respiratory tract disease, particularly show horses or racehorses that travel. EHV-1 can also cause abortions and neurologic signs, so pregnant mares and horses exposed to pregnant mares should be vaccinated. Unfortunately, currently available vaccines have not been shown to provide reliable protection against the neurologic form of the disease.  Some protection is, however, likely to be provided by appropriate vaccination.  There is no specific treatment for these diseases and locations where horses are identified with the neurologic form of EHV-1 must undergo strict quarantine measures . 

Recent information on disease prevalence and outbreaks can be found at: http://www.aphis.usda.gov/vs/nahss/equine/ehv/index.htm.
Equine influenza virus (the flu) is also called by a virus (orthomyxovirus). The virus is easily aerosolized by respiratory secretions and is transmitted by direct contact or inhalation. It is highly contagious in unvaccinated individuals and causes destruction of the cells lining the respiratory tract, which can take up to 3-4 weeks to fully repair.  Clinical signs can include nasal discharge, cough, increased respiratory rate, lethargy, poor appetite, exercise intolerance, and fever. There is no specific treatment other than supportive care and rest. The virus affects all ages of horses, although clinical signs are often more mild in older horses.  It has a short incubation time of only a few days, and can cause an isolated case or an outbreak of an entire barn. The immunity following vaccination is short-lived, consequently it is important to vaccinate every 6 months or sooner in high risk situations. 
EWE (Eastern and Western Equine Encephalitis)
Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) and Western Equine Encephalitis (WEE) are caused by viruses that lives in a bird-mosquito life cycle (and occasionally rodents). Transmission to horses usually occurs by mosquito bites. Signs of infection are neurologic abnormalities such as stumbling, head-pressing, loss of balance, circling, depression, and abnormal gait. Infected horses typically have a fever and abnormal bloodwork (low white blood cell count). EEE has a high potential to be deadly in unvaccinated horses. There is no treatment for these diseases aside from supportive care. Available vaccines for both diseases have been proven to be very effective for disease prevention.  Both of these viruses can affect humans, causing similar signs as seen in horses, however transmission from horse to human has not been proven. 
Information on disease prevalence and outbreaks is located here: http://www.aphis.usda.gov/vs/nahss/equine/ee/index.htm.

West Nile Virus 
West Nile Virus (WNV) is cause by a virus that lives in a bird-mosquito life cycle. Signs of disease include fever and neurologic abnormalities such as trembling, head-pressing, circling, instability, abnormal gait, visual difficulty, and inability to swallow. There is no treatment for this disease aside from supportive care and this disease can be fatal. While humans can be infected with this disease, there is no direct horse-human transmission. Recent information on disease prevalence and outbreaks can be found at: 


To find more information on the vaccines discussed here as well as several other available vaccines, check out AAEP (American Association of Equine Practitioners) page: http://www.aaep.org/vaccinations_campaign.htm.

Monday, October 15, 2012


ELKTON, MD – A new feature class will make it debut this year at the Dansko Fair Hill International Festival In The Country, October 18-21st in Elkton, Maryland. The PRO Bare Back Show Jumping Challenge presented by Zurich Insurance, BW Furlong & Associates and Furlong’s Healthy Horse will challenge some of the nation’s top riders to jump without saddles.  The 3’3” course, designed by Sally Ike, will be run as a speed class and include an optional ‘joker fence’ set at 3’6” for riders who choose to tempt fate and gain an advantage to win.  A prize purse of $2,000 is available thanks to the generous support of the co-presenting sponsors.

This is the first time that this type of challenge has been organized at Fair Hill: “We’ve had a lot of fun putting on the Shetland Pony Races for the last couple of years, but we thought it was time for a change,” said Samantha Lendl, executive director of PRO, “We organize the Bare Back Puissance at Plantation Field International which has grown incredibly popular and has established a real following and we hope to have the Bareback Show Jumping Challenge bring the same sort of excitement to the Dansko Fair Hill International Festival in the Country.”

The PRO Bareback Show Jumping Challenge will take place on Sunday, October 21st at the lunch break just prior to the CCI*** show jumping, which is the USEF Fall CCI*** National Championship and also a part of the 2012 PRO Tour Series. It will feature event riders Laine Ashker, Doug Payne, Danny Warrington, Dom Schramm

The Dansko Fair Hill International Festival in the Country has a wide variety of activities throughout the weekend for families and spectators to enjoy as well as a well as the Country Shops trade fair. Some of the weekend highlights are:

Thursday, October 18th
CCI*** and CCI** Competitions Starts (throughout the weekend)
USEA Young Event Horse Championships (through Friday)
Country Shops Open (throughout the weekend)

Friday, October 19th 
Dog Agility Demonstrations and Lessons (throughout the weekend)
Coon Jump Demo
US Pony Club Cross-Country Course Walk with Sharon White

Saturday, October 20th
Kids Corner Open (throughout the weekend)
Frisbee Dog Competitions and Flyball Demonstration
Miniature Horse Demonstration (through Sunday)
US Pony Clubs Senior President’s Cup Games (through Sunday)
Silly Goose and Val Live Music and Puppet Show
The Art and Sport of Falconry with Live Birds of Prey
Horse Play – A play about horses through history
PRO Rider Autograph Sessions
Tailgating (must purchase tailgating tickets)

Sunday, October 21st
Classic Cars
Sled Dog Demonstration
Mr. Ronn Live Music
PRO Bareback Show Jumping Challenge
CCI*** Stadium Jumping Course Walk with Sally Ike

Admission for children under 12, Pony Club Members with Pin, 4-H Members with ID and Military Members and their dependents with ID is free. To purchase tickets and directions, please visit http://www.fairhillinternational.com/attendance